What is the Contractor Branding program?
Contractor Branding is a complimentary program offered by Emerson that enables contractors to private label their purchased thermostats. On Emerson, White-Rodgers and Sensi thermostats contractors can print their company information and logo on thermostats and wall plates. Locations, content and size vary by thermostat.
Who can participate in the Contractor Branding program?
Any contractor who purchases Emerson thermostats is eligible to participate in the Contractor Branding program.
How much does it cost to participate in the Contractor Branding program?
It is free to participate in the Contractor Branding Program.
What do I need to do in order to get my company information printed on an Emerson thermostat?
In order to have your information printed on a thermostat you must setup your artwork and reference your Imprint number on a valid PO from your distributor.
How do I get an imprint number?
The imprint number is provided at the end of the setup process on https://webapps.copeland.com/wrprocontractorbranding/
I have completed the setup process but I do not see a place to order my thermostats?
Completing the setup process does not order your thermostats. All thermostats are ordered through an eligible wholesaler.
How do I find an eligible wholesaler?
All wholesalers who sell Emerson thermostats are eligible to fulfill Contractor Branding orders.
What does the wholesaler need to do to order Contractor Branded Thermostats?
The only thing needed to order contractor branded thermostats is reference of the imprint number on the PO.
How long does it take to get my Contractor Branded Thermostats?
It take approximately 9 working days from the time the order is placed to receive the branded thermostats. (Based on thermostat availability)
Is there a minimum quantity of thermostats I have to order to get my company information printed?
There is a minimum order quantity of 12 thermostats for Contractor Branding.
Can I order 6 of one thermostat and 6 of another thermostat in order to meet the minimum order quantity?
No. There is no mix and matching to meet the minimum quantity. 12 of the same thermostat must be ordered.
Do I need a unique imprint number for each thermostat I order?
Yes, the print area on each Emerson Thermostat may be different. Artwork, a unique Imprint number, is needed to be created for each thermostat sku.
How is my company information printed?
We use a digital printer to add you company information to our thermostats.
How do you color match my logo?
We use the PMS color from the uploaded file and match to the Pantone Color Bridge Guide (Coated). If the uploaded file does not have a PMS color reference for each color in the file, we will attempt to visually match colors as best possible. Individual color adjustment with raster files (PNG, JPG, BMP) is very limited. Vector files (EPS or PDF) with PMS colors referenced within the file are highly recommended and give us the best ability to match color.
What are the file requirements for logos?
All logos must be at least 300DPI (Dots Per Inch) and in the following formats: EPS, PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP. Images should have at least 600 px width. The higher the resolution, the better the image will look when printed. Also, vector files (EPS or PDF) with PMS colors referenced within the file are highly recommended and give us the best ability to match color.
What if my logo doesn’t meet the requirements?
In order to print your logo on our thermostats, you must submit a logo that meets the requirements. We will not be able to create a logo for you.
What do I do if I made a mistake and want to change the information attached to my I-Number?
You cannot make changes to existing I-Numbers. If you would like to make a change, please create a new design and use the I-Number generated for the correct information.
On which thermostats can I get my information printed? At what size will my information print? Where will my information be printed?